The Design and Engineering Manual 1 (DEM1) & Design and Engineering Manual 2 (DEM2) are critical documents that support the Asset Integrity Process Safety Management (AI-PSM) framework. These manuals ensure that all new assets and modifications to existing assets meet the stringent technical standards required to manage and mitigate Process Safety risks during the design and construction phases.
DEM1 is integral to ensuring that all engineering practices align with the highest safety standards. It includes a comprehensive list of Design and Engineering Practices (DEP) and other engineering documents that outline the mandatory requirements for managing Process Safety risks. According to CP-117 PDO, all assets must adhere to DEM1 to ensure they are designed and constructed in accordance with these standards.
The Design and Engineering Manual 2 (DEM2) outlines the Process Safety Basic Requirements (PSBRs), which are derived from lessons learned from past industry incidents. The goal of DEM2 is to prevent the recurrence of major Process Safety incidents by ensuring that all key barriers and causes are addressed.
DEM2 compliance is essential for any asset with significant process hazards, specifically those identified with PDO RAM Red or Yellow 5B Risks. Compliance is not just about following standards but also demonstrating, through a HSE Case, that all relevant PSBRs are met before hydrocarbons are introduced into the system.
Compliance with DEM1 and DEM2 is crucial for ensuring the safety and integrity of assets in high-risk industries. These manuals provide a structured approach to managing Process Safety, significantly reducing the likelihood of severe incidents that could impact people, the environment, assets, or reputation.
By adhering to DEM1 and DEM2, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to the highest safety standards, ensuring that all design and engineering practices are aligned with best practices in Process Safety Management.
For organizations in the process industry, compliance with DEM1 and DEM2 is not just a regulatory requirement but a fundamental aspect of operational integrity. By following these manuals, companies can effectively manage Process Safety risks, ensuring that all assets are designed, constructed, and operated to the highest safety standards.