Noise Study at Gas Sheikh Zowayed Station for EGC, Egypt
Elixir Engineering was awarded to perform Noise Study for EGC at Gas Sheikh Zowayed Metering and Regulation Station, Egypt
What are Noise Studies?
Noise studies involve the analysis of sound sources and their impacts on the surrounding environment. These studies assess noise levels, predict their propagation, and recommend effective control measures. Noise studies are essential in industries where sound can impact human health, wildlife, or overall environmental quality. By conducting noise studies early in a project, engineers can integrate noise control strategies into the design, leading to cost-effective and efficient mitigation solutions.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the noise impact from the operation of Gas Sheikh Zowayed Metering and Regulation Station at Sinai, Egypt.
This document describes the noise sources and presents the results of the modelling applied to predict the noise impact on the surroundings during the maximum flow design conditions and emergency/worst case operations.
The study will feed the design for provisions on noise protections required to meet the noise restrictions defined by the authorities and international occupational health regulations.
Scope of Work
The Noise Study presents the findings of a predictive noise modelling analysis of noise-emitting equipment’s during maximum flow operating conditions associated with the project.
The study is performed to verify the sound pressure compliance for both workplace and environmental noise criteria.
If any exceedance is found, suggestion of suitable mitigating measures either in design or management measures that are to be taken to meet the prescribed project and regulatory requirements.
The noise study has been developed through the following steps:
Review of project documentation and definition of noise limits and base noise data for the calculations.
Assess the impact of the equipment and plant noise in terms of
Occupational/ work area noise
Environmental / boundary noise.
Development of a 3-D plant configuration including both obstacles and sources.
Development of the numerical simulation.
Simulation results analysis and definition of potential critical areas
Noise Study Methodology Includes
In order to estimate the operational noise level, the internationally recognised noise modelling software ‘SoundPLAN’ has been utilised.
The noise sources, identified for the metering station and described in section 3, are modelled in a noise prediction model. For the model the software SoundPlan 8.2 is used.
The noise modelling simulation of the project requires noise input data for all significantly noisy equipment in the project area identified during the preliminary noise study with following input:
Maximum Allowable Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of noise source at a distance of 1 m;
Source type estimation of the wavefront of the source, modelled as either a point or line source.
Noise sources are modelled in the following two types, depending upon the source geometry
Point source: for sources of small dimension where no dimension prevails over another (e.g. small pumps and pressure control valves)
Linear source: for sources where a dimension prevails over the others (e.g. filters, piping, etc.)
The following assumptions have been made for the modelling assessment, and wherever possible, a conservative approach has been taken:
Equipment elevation and coordinated have been based on the engineering layout plot plans and site elevation sections provided.
The main emission sources were assumed to be point or linear sources based on their nature. Sound waves from point sources travel in all directions (spherical propagation), and the sound energy decreases more rapidly under free field conditions than for linear or area sources.
Structures apart was not included as sound barriers as a conservative measure.
All sources were assumed to generate a mean frequency of 500 Hz, as a normal accepted in industrial applications as an accepted practice
Configuration of packages have been based on the following operation criteria (however for maximum noise level, design conditions were used):
Conclusion of the Study
Noise Study Findings for Metering Skid
Normal Operating Conditions:
Noise levels during maximum flow and maximum pressure do not exceed the contractual limit of 80 dBA.
No restricted areas identified under normal operations.
Steady State Noise Levels:
65 dB(A) to 70 dB(A) under maximum noise-generating conditions (min pressure and max temperature).
67 dBA to 71 dBA during maximum design conditions (max pressure and temperature).
Emergency Scenario Noise Levels:
Noise levels exceed 80 dBA due to the operation of Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) and Control Relief Valve (CRV), reaching 141 dBA.
Noise from PSV reduces to 90 dBA at approximately 32 meters from the skid base.
Noise from CRV reduces to 90 dBA at approximately 70 meters from the skid base.
Personnel Safety:
During emergency scenarios, personnel must wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as earmuffs for noise protection.
Compliance & Recommendations:
The proposed metering skid complies with national and international noise limits for design conditions.
If any changes occur in model input parameters during later project stages, a model rerun is required to confirm compliance before commissioning and start-up.
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